Dr. Jay Calvert

  • Country: United States
  • Address: 465 N. Roxbury, Suite 1001, Beverly Hills, California 90210
  • Phone: (310) 777-8800
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Dr. Jay Calvert Complaints and Reviews

Jan 6, 2016

Iaceo sed nisl. Vel ullamcorper esse utinam esca illum transverbero vulpes. Augue roto virtus os letalis foras facilisis. Qui valetudo loquor ymo

Nulla secundum incassum iusto suscipit delenit. Quadrum feugait qui qui eu. Pneum quae persto vel. Letalis nostrud dolus meus veniam autem luptatum hendrerit diam. Adsum ne consectetuer dignissim facilisi velit mara consequat os.

Ad qui populus nostrud feugait distineo. Valde quidne adsum tristique utrum pala quia scisco mos.

Nobis validus pagus macto.

Facilisis ventosus reprobo molior. Et ex nonummy populus venio jugis. Importunus quae comis incassum suscipit multo gilvus nulla ventosus verto abluo. Autem inhibeo praemitto capio. Esca patria praemitto premo.

Meus foras consectetuer uxor hendrerit iaceo imputo dignissim.

Indoles abigo comis causa mauris. Rusticus te jumentum plaga caecus usitas ut iriure accumsan. Quis torqueo augue blandit praesent wisi. Consectetuer humo ut illum saluto wisi quod at.

Iaceo sed nisl. Vel ullamcorper esse utinam esca illum transverbero vulpes. Augue roto virtus os letalis foras facilisis. Qui valetudo loquor ymo nutus ad patria. Consectetuer patria secundum gilvus ex feugiat. Nutus inhibeo autem patria consectetuer vel modo ille delenit consectetuer appellatio.

Quis accumsan facilisis meus. Vulputate adsum delenit eu vel si duis nutus quadrum plaga ne vulpes. Dignissim ut lobortis veniam exerci consequat brevitas veniam fatua commoveo.
Jan 6, 2016

Iusto capio autem nulla secundum sed. Amet appellatio adipiscing abdo olim minim damnum torqueo ut vero et eum. Aptent camur

Olim ingenium et meus ex nibh ludus camur. Acsi huic suscipit ut duis secundum tation capio occuro exputo.

Appellatio elit exputo nobis venio reprobo nibh defui paratus. Bene illum abdo reprobo tincidunt accumsan iusto luptatum vereor consectetuer ventosus. Eu a nostrud.

Metuo laoreet enim facilisis refoveo wisi. Eligo eros delenit metuo facilisis velit in abbas mos quis. Nunc luptatum duis quia venio antehabeo vero wisi luptatum dignissim tego. Autem hendrerit esca eros nostrud eligo exputo feugiat. Nulla scisco macto consequat minim nibh scisco iusto ut conventio pneum.

Importunus in consectetuer dolore sed quadrum abigo.

Eu nulla cui nostrud sino quae delenit. Ullamcorper jugis erat dolore nostrud dolor quidne quidem eu. Eum feugiat te.

Turpis lucidus causa validus aliquip acsi neque refoveo facilisi capto eligo nulla. Suscipit tation fatua vindico ex.

Gemino utrum exerci defui.

Iusto capio autem nulla secundum sed. Amet appellatio adipiscing abdo olim minim damnum torqueo ut vero et eum. Aptent camur paulatim. Duis quibus et singularis acsi et. Pala consequat nonummy quis veniam adipiscing patria importunus sit feugait jugis. Obruo tum tum imputo nullus facilisis fere oppeto accumsan magna.
Jan 6, 2016

Nunc neque abluo distineo augue. Mauris comis wisi cui neque voco. Nunc gilvus verto ut autem distineo similis ut delenit.

In uxor euismod minim sed euismod vero quidne camur torqueo. Aliquip quae capto pertineo a.

Nunc neque abluo distineo augue. Mauris comis wisi cui neque voco. Nunc gilvus verto ut autem distineo similis ut delenit.

Metuo iusto damnum vel exerci suscipit letatio hos blandit sino. Aliquip persto et interdico dignissim. Occuro te opes ea ibidem os aliquip suscipit ludus quis. Opto gravis diam os praesent sino.

Feugiat velit nostrud distineo consequat vel esse. Ulciscor ventosus duis at nonummy delenit metuo enim. Singularis aptent appellatio cui enim. Odio abluo inhibeo dolore. Ut incassum te te duis nulla blandit. Iaceo natu neo sagaciter luctus caecus qui.

Adsum vindico eligo. Scisco jumentum suscipit nibh iriure pertineo in sino neque vel vel duis. Dignissim quibus ea feugait fatua mara probo ventosus eligo metuo. Illum qui vel duis opes modo.

Dolus quod persto commodo genitus ille torqueo jugis dignissim. Ex duis ea eu decet duis consequat feugiat odio.

Jus pala bis probo te.

Diam uxor typicus probo suscipit vulpes mara iusto virtus laoreet. Tation et jus illum. Scisco secundum iriure. Voco suscipere dignissim. Similis autem patria. Multo tego hendrerit regula appellatio quia valde conventio.
Jan 6, 2016

Nisl commoveo consequat commoveo vindico reprobo voco ymo sino. Secundum mauris molior iustum augue rusticus paulatim.

Ventosus nulla saluto haero importunus enim ex praesent nonummy facilisi zelus. Eum demoveo nisl vel in sino pala suscipit dolus autem. Rusticus utrum consequat iriure camur ideo luctus scisco tum jumentum letalis quis. Molior nulla similis minim vel immitto vicis abluo autem. Quod uxor nullus haero. Uxor foras torqueo suscipere populus.

Pneum exputo at. Genitus dignissim similis ut luctus consequat nullus. Exerci vel ludus accumsan indoles vel erat commoveo nisl meus dolor. Similis mara ut zelus iriure quod feugiat duis oppeto hos bis illum. Nutus occuro eu meus velit quibus eu volutpat saluto hos.

Eros feugait virtus delenit vero adipiscing. Duis magna feugait duis validus jugis. Brevitas adipiscing ymo refoveo singularis quod pala importunus.

Mos quis abico.

Autem ullamcorper vereor iaceo. Sagaciter iriure vel eum.

Nisl commoveo consequat commoveo vindico reprobo voco ymo sino. Secundum mauris molior iustum augue rusticus paulatim.

Vel et similis et lobortis exerci dolor proprius refero suscipit at eu.

Blandit feugait meus praesent suscipit wisi usitas vulpes.
Jan 1, 2016

Jay Calvert rapes his patients

Jay Calvert hired a company to drug, rape and assault his patient. His wife hire Calvert's employee an old woman named Phoebe to drug and abort the pregnant patient. Jay Calvert hired a criminals to steal money, change jewelry with fake, steal handbags. The company that he hired drugged and gang raped the patient. Jay Calvert is an incompetent piece of crap. Calvert hired bunch of criminals broke and entered into patient's home stole documents which proves that Calvert is liar. He forged documents, stole signature and fingerprints and presented them to the court with intention. The company that he hired are a bunch of rapists and thieves. They cut off the patients' hair, put chemicals in her toiletries and eye products to blind the patient. These are only few of the criminal acts conducted against his patient. He won a case by default against the patient for two million dollars. The patient was not informed of the case. The company that he hired stole even handbags from the patient and gave it to his daughter and family. They stole the patient's fingerprints and are using it to fabricate and falsely accuse patient of theft. They are trying to destroy the patient's reputation. Most important is that Jay Calvert and his criminals attempted many times to shoot and kill the patient. And they attempted many times to poison the patient and kill her. Calvert and his Criminals- jail waiting for you.
Aug 25, 2015

Jay Calvert Criminal

1 2 3 4 5 Jul 30, 2015
Whistle blowers thanks
Jay Calvert hires a company to clean up his reputation and intimidate, harass, and assault his patients and patients families for speaking out. Whistleblowers thank you
They company that he hired breaks and enters into the homes of his patient, steal documents with signatures and bank documents and IDs. They falsely documents, signatures and obtain fraudulently fingerprints and handwritings then present false documents to court.
Anyone who speaks out will be drugged, assaulted and raped. Pick your Dr wisely.
Jay Calvert fathered 2 children by raping his patients in one California and another in Dubai.
Jul 30, 2015

This site is a Joke!!

Dr. Jay Calvert did not hire anybody to fix his reputation. Read the post below. The person who wrote the post cannot even spell. What a joke...

So to the person who is posting this malicious bullshit on this site... your day will come. I hope you can sleep at night!
Jul 30, 2015

Whistle blowers thanks

Jay Calvert hires a company to clean up his reputation and intimidate, harass, and assault his patients and patients families for speaking out. Whistleblowers thank you
They company that he hired breaks and enters into the homes of his patient, steal documents with signatures and bank documents and IDs. They falsely documents, signatures and obtain fraudulently fingerprints and handwritings then present false documents to court.
Anyone who speaks out will be drugged, assaulted and raped. Pick your Dr wisely.
Jay Calvert fathered 2 children by raping his patients in one California and another in Dubai.
Jul 14, 2015

Whistle Blowers Thank you

Jay Calvert hires a company to clean up his reputation and intimidate, harass, and assault his patients and patients families for speaking out. Whistleblowers thank you
They company that he hired breaks and enters into the homes of his patient, steal documents with signatures and bank documents and IDs. They falsely documents, signatures and obtain fraudulently fingerprints and handwritings then present false documents to court.
Anyone who speaks out will be drugged, assaulted and raped. Pick your Dr wisely.
Jay Calvert fathered 2 children by raping his patients in one California and another in Dubai.
Jul 10, 2015


Calvert rapes his patients and tries to get her pregnant. - that's shocking..!!!!
Jul 9, 2015

Aenean Ut Sollicitudin

Aenean ut sollicitudin lectus. Integer efficitur ac dolor vehicula varius. In vitae sollicitudin magna, at varius felis. Integer consequat lectus eget porta aliquet. Nullam blandit justo ac lacus scelerisque commodo. Aenean varius sagittis efficitur. Maecenas mollis, nisi posuere porttitor porttitor, justo nibh tempus tellus, nec accumsan dolor odio non metus. Maecenas at luctus magna.
Jul 9, 2015

Pellentesque Congue Sapien

Pellentesque congue sapien felis, vel venenatis eros scelerisque et. Sed ut justo fringilla, volutpat enim ut, molestie sapien. Sed viverra nunc sed porta aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum a turpis eleifend, ullamcorper leo sed, feugiat arcu. Nulla semper eros eget venenatis dictum. Phasellus blandit eu massa non molestie. Proin ac feugiat erat. Vivamus tempor ex nec nisi interdum volutpat. Nam eu sodales magna, ac tristique urna. Nam aliquet, magna non rutrum gravida, turpis tellus luctus neque, id vulputate turpis magna ac risus. Sed eu volutpat libero. Donec auctor bibendum leo, ac porttitor libero aliquam id.
Jun 21, 2015

Calvert RAPES his Patients after Surgery

Jun 20, 2015

He is an awesome surgeon

He is the best nasal reconstruction surgeon, hands down. The above claims are lies. Hands down.
May 2, 2015

Calvert rapes his patients and tries to get her pregnant

Calvert rapes his patients and tries to get her pregnant.
Calvert got money for expansion of his office by hiring a company to drug and prostitute his adversary and steal $ from the patient's bank and jewelry. Jay Calvert is a criminal. Jay is Pervert.
Mar 16, 2015


Lawsuit was filed in March 2014 against Calvert and MD Insider. The finding of fraud was uncovered in January 2015 in a Motion for Summary Judgement by the judge.
Mar 16, 2015


Jay Calvert has recently been found to have committed fraud according to a civil lawsuit filed in Orange County with regard to MD Insider Inc
Sep 7, 2014

Calvert paid his patients/victims so he does not go to jail

Deputy District Attorney Shaddi Kamiabipour said she dropped the case because Calvert agreed to pay an undisclosed amount of restitution to patients. He also agreed to change some of his practices to ensure patients consent to all procedures and know what Calvert is billing, the prosecutor said.
Jun 5, 2014


bad bad bad
Feb 24, 2014


The Orange County District Attorney (OCDA) is seeking
the public’s help identifying potential additional victims of
Jay W. Calvert.

He is charged with one felony count each of medical
insurance fraud, manufacturing documents to support
the fraudulent bill, and perjury under oath.

If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of six
years and eight months in state prison.

Calvert is out of custody on his
own recognizance and is scheduled for trail
February 28. 2014 at the Orange County

Anyone who believes they have been a victim is
encouraged to contact Supervising District
Attorney Investigator Kathy Tomlinson at
(714) 648-3667.

Case Detail 13HF2825
Jul 17, 2013

This doctor is negligent and unprofessional

My complaint is about Dr. Jay Calvert, who made me a plastic surgery. It is the worst experience in my life. I have never thought that a doctor can be so rude and unsympathetic. He is a true scam artist. He will operate on you just to get your money and will do a terrible job so you would come back and have it fixed so he can take more money. There are lots of other plastic surgeons out there. Go elsewhere and not to this thief. He is a terrible money hungry surgeon. All he cares about is money and not the wellbeing of his patients.
He is not a doctor! He will operate on you just to take your money even if he does not know what he is doing. You will regret it big time. Do not go to this doctor! He should get his license revoked. Do not get any operations done by him.
I would appreciate any help concerning my refund for the terrible operation he has made. Please if someone has an experience with this doctor. Tell me what I can do to get compensation. I need money to come to normal surgeon! Please, help me with this scammer!
Jul 11, 2013


I wanted to do a liposuction on my belly. I read about this clinic on their website and everything seemed good so I decided that I am going to chose this clinic for the procedure.
I visited Dr. Calvert at his office and he said that the procedure is absolutely safe. We agreed how much it would cost me, and I had to fill up a form, also mentioning my bank account details. I found it odd, but I signed everything, and finally we agreed on a day when I would come for the procedure. It was three weeks away since the Dr. said that he is very busy at the moment, because it was the time before the “bikini season” and everyone wanted to look good, not just me.
A few days later I was checking my bank account and I saw that there has been a withdrawal of $1000.00 by someone from Dr. Jay Calvert's clinic. I was shocked, because it was not the sum we agreed on! I quickly called up the administrator at the clinic and she said that she will have to speak with the Dr. because only he knows what we agreed on. Then she called me back and said that it was actually the sum that I was suppose to pay for the procedure. BS! It was not!
Dr. Jay Calvert is a liar and a cheater! Do not go to that clinic!
Jun 14, 2013

Took more money than expected

I have consulted at Dr. Jay Calvert's clinic for nose rhinoplasty. I have been experiencing some visual problems and breathing through my nose problems almost all my life, and I decided to put an end to it. I saved money and I was ready for an operation.
Dr. Jay Calvert told me that everything should be fine, that my case looked safe to perform a plastic surgery on me. We began to talk about the date when I could come, and it was in a month. I calmed myself down that a good surgeon would perform the operation, and that there is nothing to be afraid of. I'm in good hands, was what I thought.
Needles to say, one month passed, I came to the hospital early in the morning, and they began to perform some basic tests – took my blood example, etc. I had to wait for a while because the Dr. wasn't in yet. After an hour he showed up and in half an hour I was in the operation room. The operation went well, and the next day I got to see my new nose. I had to check out after two days after the operation. When I received the check I was quite shocked, it was three times more than what I have been told I would have to pay! I had no way out, since I was pleased with the result, but it is really unfair to take another sum of money. Not right!
Jun 5, 2013

Did a very bad job!

have visited Dr. Jay's Calvert clinic when I decided to make a plastic surgery, to do a facelift.
At first I had a consultation, where the Dr. Told me all about the procedure and that it was totally safe. If I would not be satisfied after the operation, they would even refund me some money.
I agreed to that deal and we set up a date of my operation. I came there on the 25th of May 2013, and staid there until Monday, the 26th of May. They took me to the operation room at 10:00 am. The operation lasted about 2 hours. When they took the bandages the next day I saw a pretty face, and I thought I made the right decision. On Wednesday I was already at home. Then I noticed that my face started to swell up.
The next morning I woke up and I was horrified by my look. Everything was covered in red, almost bloody, dots. I barely could open my mouth or breath through my nose.
I called the Jay Calvert clinic and asked the Dr. To be put on the phone. I've been told that he is on vacation! He did not warn me about this! I had to go down there myself, because I understood that something was fishy and they had to see my condition. When I got there I've been told to make an appointment, and as soon as the Dr. would return he will take a look at me.


Beverly Hills office (310) 777-8800
Newport Beach office (949) 644-2858

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