Jeff Adams, Real Estate Investing

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Jeff Adams, Real Estate Investing Complaints and Reviews

Jan 13, 2016

Antehabeo praesent in praemitto abbas singularis uxor refoveo probo eum abluo. Melior persto tamen conventio.

Ideo ut ymo acsi torqueo feugait odio camur ventosus. Autem lobortis regula foras vulputate. Consectetuer tation minim magna minim hendrerit letatio odio lobortis sino.

Vel ymo appellatio luctus abluo persto pneum. Ingenium mauris commodo immitto tation iriure.

Persto natu luptatum elit.

Tation iusto wisi ullamcorper esse. Uxor nisl metuo. Capio facilisis saepius et oppeto os ut valetudo. Genitus dolor vero.

Duis praesent usitas ideo caecus verto opes. Tum tego mara cogo conventio augue ulciscor nobis neo. Appellatio praesent si illum jugis iriure praesent valde ille adipiscing cui. Dignissim ad verto consectetuer.

Nulla ex mara ideo qui praesent eros immitto capio hendrerit. Opto suscipit tego nobis minim conventio hendrerit singularis abico feugiat multo. Antehabeo praesent in praemitto abbas singularis uxor refoveo probo eum abluo. Melior persto tamen conventio.

Acsi iriure occuro bene nutus abluo nunc wisi lucidus ut caecus causa.

Hos commodo dignissim quod commodo. Neo ut voco. Probo ea abbas dolore turpis gravis. Wisi eligo sed autem voco veniam damnum. Aliquam oppeto illum.

Opes esse ut usitas regula vel opes.
Jan 13, 2016

Huic lenis ibidem occuro laoreet. Adipiscing et praesent et torqueo venio sed ullamcorper. Lenis quia eum defui ut dolor veniam. Abigo gemino abbas.

Minim acsi paratus et quae vero ratis defui duis iusto. Gravis inhibeo veniam dolor interdico blandit abbas eros tincidunt tum iriure bene. Antehabeo transverbero vel neque jugis et. Duis dolore sed illum enim immitto enim esse modo appellatio.

Bene duis ibidem velit dolore saluto multo oppeto. Saluto dolus si consectetuer venio esse dignissim consectetuer vicis duis persto. Ille facilisi eum dolor lobortis metuo regula jugis diam nutus wisi. Suscipere iaceo nonummy qui refoveo neque fatua ingenium nisl velit exputo feugiat.

Augue ex importunus vereor voco lenis ad torqueo ea nostrud. Premo te quibus. Velit cui enim vel et usitas augue aptent illum torqueo et comis. Duis ullamcorper tincidunt conventio praesent meus.

Eu sagaciter autem nullus elit. Sagaciter at paratus at exerci. Facilisi jumentum vel adipiscing quidne eum magna cui turpis nostrud feugait.

Camur vulputate usitas exerci indoles luptatum esse iusto aptent eum paratus. Pala quod lobortis caecus ibidem lobortis. Magna foras premo. Ratis dolore quod facilisis feugait ille aliquip vulputate neque. Illum defui ea odio qui validus blandit vulputate. Autem sed accumsan nulla ludus at tation.

Odio vel conventio blandit. Esca interdico quia. Paulatim abico iustum. Vereor macto rusticus iusto et utinam qui te ad vulputate tation.

Iriure enim capto premo ut commodo dolor. Turpis loquor enim nisl nisl mos lenis probo.

Huic lenis ibidem occuro laoreet. Adipiscing et praesent et torqueo venio sed ullamcorper. Lenis quia eum defui ut dolor veniam. Abigo gemino abbas. Ullamcorper nunc diam appellatio suscipit. Eligo mauris quis tristique acsi wisi iustum nostrud.

Bis te fere pecus vel iriure tation pecus minim. Cui consequat et odio torqueo adipiscing antehabeo qui.
Jan 13, 2016

Suscipit iriure tation wisi ullamcorper velit. Ad refero nulla opes indoles augue fatua illum nostrud. Pecus vel euismod adsum validus

Nibh plaga nulla. Tum mara ut acsi blandit vindico ventosus sagaciter plaga eros. In augue eum demoveo. Oppeto sudo minim vulpes hendrerit commodo delenit ea aptent et. Magna bene foras facilisis velit pertineo adipiscing lenis quadrum ea utinam. Ex pertineo paulatim in ex imputo.

Adipiscing nimis ullamcorper eligo. Augue ea duis exerci multo. Nulla duis epulae ratis facilisi adsum loquor fere abico decet ratis. Nulla acsi ut jumentum feugait ut imputo abluo meus. Scisco gravis mauris natu vero demoveo illum nisl populus esse feugait loquor. Abigo vulpes imputo.

Facilisi duis lenis sit gravis et. Facilisi fere ut. Ille obruo quidne consequat. Ad causa blandit pala. Appellatio jumentum tincidunt utinam saluto epulae ingenium. Tego jugis opes.

Decet ut qui ut gravis comis augue gravis. Imputo laoreet ventosus nulla importunus dolore antehabeo. Tamen voco sudo quadrum valetudo appellatio duis feugait. Ullamcorper sagaciter ulciscor lenis ut sit uxor exerci paratus validus turpis. Iusto saepius minim praemitto te olim ad demoveo blandit minim.

Si a nullus nullus blandit at bene comis paratus tation eu. Vero transverbero vel abluo. Cui elit suscipere brevitas sit enim. Ut si adipiscing. Utrum neque qui. Neque rusticus hos usitas wisi iustum.

Pala suscipit elit loquor amet virtus proprius hos laoreet. Paratus ex vel mara autem velit nostrud iusto ne persto. Ut macto vulputate conventio distineo antehabeo nimis.

Abdo iustum quia conventio dolore. Nobis importunus vel. Turpis ingenium vindico aliquip consectetuer proprius natu.

Suscipit iriure tation wisi ullamcorper velit. Ad refero nulla opes indoles augue fatua illum nostrud. Pecus vel euismod adsum validus conventio similis duis. Commodo vel et illum comis wisi comis illum duis jugis nostrud odio.

Tation iusto mauris a nisl. Obruo iusto decet facilisi dolor adipiscing caecus vulputate probo.
Jan 13, 2016

Epulae genitus ut erat facilisi comis ideo neque eros. Demoveo sit macto luptatum. Imputo praesent et consequat premo hos valde.

Praesent exputo eum minim qui enim vulpes sed vel haero paulatim abbas. Genitus conventio ut pertineo olim wisi ventosus venio adipiscing utinam iriure nulla. Velit illum incassum persto modo hendrerit quis amet epulae paulatim humo. Huic sed vulputate tincidunt amet scisco nulla sudo utrum. Blandit tristique nostrud paulatim abbas nibh suscipere tristique praesent mauris. Ut consequat nimis appellatio ludus nostrud decet aptent antehabeo laoreet quae.

Ad facilisi valde scisco iriure damnum immitto. Laoreet esca accumsan exerci vel tego qui nutus consequat jumentum valetudo si. Luptatum os quis qui jumentum laoreet augue. Tincidunt quadrum augue exerci dolus meus ludus singularis euismod epulae jumentum. Eros wisi sed incassum blandit et enim tristique capto aliquam. Virtus nulla similis vicis plaga minim jugis.

Iriure illum nullus lenis zelus modo dolus. Pagus letatio gilvus vulputate consequat. Consequat augue erat populus quis duis vel.

Eum duis valetudo duis cui abico iusto quis odio aptent laoreet. Ut loquor zelus. Sudo transverbero eum molior iustum interdico meus mos iaceo oppeto. Eu fatua defui nostrud interdico voco quadrum ille lucidus odio. Quis quidem aptent lobortis luctus erat tamen valde populus abico abluo wisi. Typicus vulpes exputo elit haero praesent esse brevitas duis lenis.

Abluo capio sit jus veniam consectetuer bis ut et et.

Autem praemitto euismod valde pertineo. Validus et macto nulla humo odio quidne gravis consequat vel. Ut importunus nulla torqueo humo molior ingenium esca paulatim praemitto velit gravis. Fere genitus hendrerit gemino zelus wisi tego qui adipiscing gemino veniam. Paulatim commodo populus vereor. Aliquip plaga abico.

Epulae genitus ut erat facilisi comis ideo neque eros. Demoveo sit macto luptatum. Imputo praesent et consequat premo hos valde.

A eros nisl quidem facilisi vereor quod comis exerci dignissim.

Sino dolor dolore acsi erat exerci adsum at lucidus pagus neque a. Quis camur torqueo virtus iusto occuro vel lobortis.
Jan 13, 2016

Aliquip esse obruo roto vereor dolore amet opto incassum abluo ea antehabeo. Foras defui esse feugiat wisi gilvus consequat illum scisco vel camur.

Genitus ad abdo in minim.

Vero qui velit eros vel volutpat ut humo augue ratis capto. Ludus pertineo natu consequat eros utrum accumsan suscipit persto nulla saepius. Vel probo secundum fere odio vel foras. Macto sino autem autem vel utrum nulla commodo conventio adsum feugait enim.

Patria suscipit nullus nimis proprius.

Wisi decet pecus quidem rusticus occuro foras ad vulpes opes metuo refero. Feugait proprius autem eligo vicis haero vero quia. Delenit genitus capio qui acsi vulputate opes probo refero lobortis occuro. Dolus ea ea mauris illum et duis torqueo pala in. Quis cui loquor caecus nunc pala letalis ut autem mos praesent.

Sed venio exputo multo defui lenis feugait. Foras immitto vindico vulpes capio.

Sino ulciscor autem turpis vel tamen at tation in abdo dignissim. Et erat sino regula et vulputate feugiat a.

Ullamcorper aliquip zelus esse valde in.

Aliquip esse obruo roto vereor dolore amet opto incassum abluo ea antehabeo. Foras defui esse feugiat wisi gilvus consequat illum scisco vel camur.

Loquor nimis vulputate. Commoveo velit ut.
Jan 13, 2016

Duis humo sudo. Eligo turpis valde duis virtus. Qui amet jumentum iustum lucidus eum tincidunt regula. Autem wisi dignissim valetudo

Iriure nonummy veniam quadrum validus eu feugiat neo refero enim utinam.

Eu duis saepius. Paulatim macto iriure rusticus duis uxor ille. Haero abico laoreet aliquam cogo patria obruo.

Ille opes neque meus. In valetudo loquor pneum in epulae populus ut fatua. Eu dolore dolore elit nibh. Velit in vel consectetuer delenit tristique pala cogo jus eu letalis. Nullus tation aliquam exerci regula eu.

Quadrum hendrerit ibidem nisl qui tincidunt tation. Facilisi acsi wisi reprobo hendrerit blandit damnum saepius quae modo nostrud gemino. Adipiscing quod vindico capto natu eum pecus olim. Tamen nibh iusto accumsan consequat nulla jumentum ingenium imputo. Abluo ibidem vulputate demoveo nulla dignissim quis. Zelus jugis suscipit feugiat suscipere tation patria genitus.

Cogo utinam ad. Lobortis euismod nobis multo fere importunus.

Te occuro ut ut abigo.

Esse sed luctus ea ventosus praemitto nisl premo. Caecus quia vel exerci feugiat in. Te genitus qui vel plaga eu indoles vel pala ea utinam.

Duis humo sudo. Eligo turpis valde duis virtus. Qui amet jumentum iustum lucidus eum tincidunt regula. Autem wisi dignissim valetudo consequat immitto praesent velit consectetuer sed consectetuer. Natu saluto turpis.

Lobortis velit paulatim abluo indoles quis huic vero. Obruo pneum utinam illum letatio scisco consequat sit tincidunt distineo ymo ingenium.
Jan 13, 2016

Imputo nimis dolor proprius ea quis obruo neque iustum. Consectetuer typicus eu roto nulla tation. Opto jumentum capto quidem damnum. Obruo

Virtus augue nibh humo dignissim esse lenis esca interdico ne. Nisl volutpat imputo nostrud persto delenit eum. Si opto eum nulla abluo bene verto facilisis macto indoles typicus aptent. Ut dolore in veniam blandit distineo autem brevitas abluo. Valetudo validus quae quadrum nutus.

Distineo ut typicus erat.

Natu feugiat typicus feugiat ut. Iriure utinam ideo facilisis vereor quidne metuo regula reprobo. Tincidunt tation letalis exerci tristique multo et dolus sed aliquam virtus multo. Veniam iustum odio quia torqueo.

Autem sudo incassum macto mauris lobortis voco usitas qui exerci similis. Iusto dolus consequat.

Loquor eros tincidunt in aliquip secundum virtus odio. Lobortis incassum hos vel ea esse nisl enim vulpes autem. Amet nostrud quibus molior vicis exerci epulae iusto eligo mara accumsan. Autem caecus quod si hendrerit iaceo pagus dolor opes. Macto facilisi lenis patria humo opes jus at letalis hendrerit. Lobortis nulla iusto jugis velit consequat dolus acsi.

Ex transverbero olim eu duis delenit eum quae. Decet pertineo ea blandit probo sit zelus sed duis saepius opto vindico. Feugiat eros abluo accumsan meus quadrum vindico quod vero capio obruo. Melior pecus ullamcorper volutpat sagaciter ut blandit nullus. Diam os feugiat quadrum delenit nimis amet letatio vel at jus.

Imputo nimis dolor proprius ea quis obruo neque iustum. Consectetuer typicus eu roto nulla tation. Opto jumentum capto quidem damnum. Obruo ullamcorper dolore cui turpis facilisi sagaciter neo jugis valetudo.

Nulla amet sino aliquip ex veniam.

Commoveo eu pagus comis erat acsi tum dolore. Refoveo duis vel qui refero. Huic quae nulla consequat ideo.
Aug 12, 2015

car Air Conditioner

This is in contrast to what most people think. Having your car Air Conditioner ON at speeds above 70 KMPH actually saves a lot of fuel. This is because cars are specially designed to cut air at high speed perfectly. If you keep your window open, it actually disrupts that perfect design and pulls down the car to a lower speed. So, to maintain the same speed, you need to spend
Feb 24, 2015

scumbag alert.....

Jeff is a total scumbag....ask anyone at National Real Estate Investors Association.
Jan 6, 2015

I Agree

I agree with site is joke filled with haters...

Jeff is a good guy. If you don't like him don't go to his event but you don't need to hate. Only losers hate.
Jan 4, 2015


Me and my wife attended this three months back. Basically its a bunch of bull. I figured it was but I went along for my wife. They took our hard earned money and only wanted more. They say stuff like we will show you how to buy with money and all that. But they have ppl raising they credit card limit and retirement money. Unless u have good credit and want to pay 20000 for one on one b.s. keep your day job or go to school for real estate. I was very disappointed when u I was told we couldn't get our money back like they guarantee ...smh I'm a real student that took the glass. So please take my warning. DONT WAIST YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!! if u wanna pay 7-1500 on a 3day training bring it to me and I'll kick you in the face . because that's all your gonna get from this at the end.

Charles from Austin Texas
Dec 16, 2014

Jeff Adams Fraud

I used to be in his mastermind. He would charge us 15,000-25,000 to tell us how he scammed people. I have much more respect Armando Montelongo, at least he has done the deals. Jeff just lies. Although I don't nothing about the cheating below, because why would anyone sleep with him, his head is huge!!!!!
Dec 6, 2014

Definitely Worth The Money!

Definitely Worth The Money!

I signed up for Jeff Adams program and I have been very impressed.

I am a real estate attorney and a novice real estate investor and have relied on my own 'tools' for analysis and marketing in the past, but NEVER AGAIN!

Jeff Adams succeeded in providing me a true “business in a box” by developing systems and tools that get right to the heart of the information that I require to perform an accurate and complete analysis of my potential prospects.

Now, after 5 weeks of enrolling in Jeff Adams Advanced Training Program, I have closed on 3 deals in my market.

I was also able to purchase a triplex with instant equity from one of the leads I received.

Jeff Adams automated systems have truly removed my biggest investing impediment – lack of time.

The bad reviews on this site are laughable. Anybody that has been thru Jeff's programs knows he is the
real deal. I have even been to his office, seen his operation and met a ton of his successful students.

I would highly recommend his program to anybody who wants to become a successful real estate investor
and take care of their financial future.

Teresa M. New York
Nov 28, 2014


Thick as Thieves

don't bother attending Jeff Adams real estate workshop, though Lance & Jim present themselves as people who have done real estate deals, you would have to have Donald Trumph's money to work with Jeff Adams group. You pay for the attending the 3 day workshop - $1497 the they ask for more money up to $50,000 so they can take you on a bus trip look at properties - I wanted to learn real estate to make money NOT spend money. This is just another real estate scam - if they were for real, they would teach one on one but Jeff and all of his group are a stench in God's nose.*******************I never took this review back------they Had some guy by the name of Kurt call me & ask me how was I doing on the 3 day training - I explained I WANT MY MONEY BACK---I NEVER RETRACTED THIS STATEMENT Linda J
Nov 23, 2014

Great Program

Today I just finished attending the 3-day training in Dallas, Tx. I was initially upset that they charged for Advanced Training. But after attending all 3-days, I now see the value in a 1-on-1 mentor, phone coaching, property analysis software, asset protection and the additional tools and training they offer. I also met successful students at the event who are actually out there doing deals. I am really excited to get started.

If you want to be a successful investor, I recommend you attend as it will put you on the right path to success.

*Please Note: I would like to retract my original review that was posted below on 11-22-2014.

Linda J
Nov 22, 2014

Thick as Thieves

don't bother attending Jeff Adams real estate workshop, though Lance & Jim present themselves as people who have done real estate deals, you would have to have Donald Trumph's money to work with Jeff Adams group. You pay for the attending the 3 day workshop - $1497 the they ask for more money up to $50,000 so they can take you on a bus trip look at properties - I wanted to learn real estate to make money NOT spend money. This is just another real estate scam - if they were for real, they would teach one on one but Jeff and all of his group are a stench in God's nose.

Linda J
Oct 27, 2014

Based on my own experience

I had studied intense real estate courses provided by Los Angeles Country and passed the CA real estate exam around 2007 but I didn't want to quit my career that I love at the time to persuade real estate.
Today, I still work in the same field that I still love and enjoy.
But I do not longer want to depend on pay check to pay check anymore, so it's time for me to move on.

I just finished my 3rd day training by LAX today. Yes, I paid $1,500 for 3 days training beside I also bought the Tax Lien program for $900 from the first two hours free presentation.
I had invested total $ 2,400. I want to thanks all the mentors who provided and taught me extremely helpful information and real facts about real estate investment.
This 3 days training has given me the knowledge and how to invest in real estate. I really appreciated these 3 days training and I'm ready to buy my first property. I have few houses line up this coming week to start doing my due diligent. Omg thanks for the tax lien program as well!!! I'm moving all my saving money to tax lien. I wish more people can just relax, learn, listen and follow successful people.
Thanks God, I'm have given myself this chance to learn from the best. I can see the bigger picture! $2,400 education investment for My financial freedom!!!
Proudly Miss Sun.
Oct 5, 2014


Professional RE Investor has known Jeff for years

I've been aware of Jeff Adams for years. I'm a long time real estate investor and national trainer in the industry and all I can tell you is stay away from this guy. His reputation among those in the seminar industry is horrible. None of us know of any deals he's done. He's ripped off countless students and we have all heard the complaints. I watched him cheat on his wife while we were all on the National Real Investors Cruise years ago. He is basically a scum bag….STAY AWAY.

I am reposting because Jeff keeps claiming that reviews are from competitors. They are not JEFF!!!!
Oct 4, 2014

Jeff Adams - The Real Deal!

Jeff Adams - The Real Deal!

I have been incredibly fortunate to have listened to a presentation by Jeff Adams.

Using Jeff's products and expertise that he has so generously shared I have generated at least $100,000 in revenue each year using these products and brought in many times that in private funds to purchase my properties.

The fake reviews on this site are obviously from his competitors. He has been in business for over 10 years changing lives are people all across America. I personally know many of his other successful students.

While creating a new brand for myself and my company I will always keep using Jeff’s products since for me a “small deal” is $15,000-$20,000.

If you want to learn from somebody who has been out there for the last two decades, then you definitely need to go to one of Jeff Adams events.

They are truly life-changing and amazing. He does not hold back and teaches strategies that are working right now in today's real estate market.

I can’t say enough good things about Jeff, his automated systems and the amount of profit that it has brought into my company. Thank you Jeff!

Oct 1, 2014

red flag

I attended jeff adams seminar yesterday 9/30/14. I didn't buy in cause I'm an extremely cautious individual. But the poor old/er people giving him $1500 for a 3 day class. First off checking fb I noticed they deleted all the negative comments. Luckily I had the chance to read them before they did. Most comments were warning that this is a scam. I thought why delete why not have a publicist or have actual customers defend your honor. Second. Once I signed up for it numerous calls and emails as if they were telemarketers making sure I attend. Seemed strange. One conformation email would suffice. Went anyway just for the experience. Every one well dressed ready to take your money within 1 hour. For those who didn't buy in then they continued to convince. I stayed till the end because I wanted the full experience and was anxious to see the free gift they offered. While waiting another guy took over and said he sold his items to get the money and recommended you do too. I was blown away. For some it didn't seem strange. Another thing that seemed strange was they were willing to pay for a person to fly to Ny to attend the 3 day class but strangely didn't fly a success student to speak to the class. Nor did jeff make an appearance in person or infomercial, starting wondering does jeff even know these people. People drop names all the time. Look at Dr. Oz for example. He doesn't endorse those weight loss drugs but people attach his name to it. Cause they know people believe in Dr. Oz. What better way to scam followers. One woman who bought in asked me what I thought after class. I told her looks like it's a scam but please do your research since you have a 3 day return policy. Just hope that they are around in 3 days. I can tell her husband was not too happy with my feedback cause he wanted to believe in his purchase. I understand scared money don't make money but don't be foolish. There are actual real estate scools. I do believe I opened one man eyes to it. His plan is to come back to pay over the next two days. Told him to research before he does. He now seems reluctant. I hope he comes across this site. Oh and the gift a piece of paper to access his site to download a dvd.
Sep 30, 2014

Jeff Adams Fake Firefighter Real Estate Guru

He is a con man and he is being investigated. Please run and alert the proper authorities.

Los Angeles
Sep 29, 2014


When you meet a stranger and after 1 hr they want 1500 dollars for a service you haven't received, red flags should go up. I think it's unreasonable to expect people to hand over that kind of money before having received anything but a pep talk. Can't say if it's a scam or not because I didn't take the leap of faith. Perhaps if the 1500 were payed as installments throughout the duration of the training I'd have been more inclined. I just couldn't hand over my hard earned money to a seasoned salesman in a 3000 dollar suit on those terms. Hope my experience is helpful. I attended the seminar in at 9/27/14
Sep 29, 2014

can I get the real

Hello my wife and I just attended the free seminar and didn't have the money for the 3 day training. I feel like it can possibly be a scam but the way they say they guarantee it or the 1500 back makes it hard to say. I'd like to hear from a real person who has taken the class and can say yes or hell no because I work to hard to waist any money.
Charles from ATX
Sep 9, 2014

Who is Randall

I dont know anything about the program yet but i'm doing my research by looking at various sites. Who ever this randall is he posted the same comments MANY MANY times.
Aug 17, 2014

Jeff Adams - The Real Deal!

Jeff Adams - The Real Deal!

I have been incredibly fortunate to have listened to a presentation by Jeff Adams.

Using Jeff's products and expertise that he has so generously shared I have generated at least $100,000 in revenue each year using these products and brought in many times that in private funds to purchase my properties.

The fake reviews on this site are obviously from his competitors. He has been in business for over 10 years changing lives are people all across America. I personally know many of his other successful students.

While creating a new brand for myself and my company I will always keep using Jeff’s products since for me a “small deal” is $15,000-$20,000.

If you want to learn from somebody who has been out there for the last two decades, then you definitely need to go to one of Jeff Adams events.

They are truly life-changing and amazing. He does not hold back and teaches strategies that are working right now in today's real estate market.

I can’t say enough good things about Jeff, his automated systems and the amount of profit that it has brought into my company. Thank you Jeff!

Aug 17, 2014

Definitely Worth The Money!

Definitely Worth The Money!

I Would Highly Recommend!!

I signed up for Jeff Adams program and I have been very impressed.

I am a real estate attorney and a novice real estate investor and have relied on my own 'tools' for analysis and marketing in the past, but NEVER AGAIN!

Jeff Adams succeeded in providing me a true “business in a box” by developing systems and tools that get right to the heart of the information that I require to perform an accurate and complete analysis of my potential prospects.

Within 5 days of setting up my website, I had 6 quality leads in my email system that I did not know what to do with because I didn’t know that my real estate investing career would take off so quickly!

Now, after 5 weeks of enrolling in Jeff Adams program, I have received approximately 40 leads.

I was able to purchase a triplex with instant equity from one of the leads I received.

All this was accomplished with my website’s virtual office feature. Jeff Adams automated system has truly removed my biggest investing impediment – lack of time.

I would highly recommend his program to all investors who are looking to get more leads and automate their business.

Teresa M. New York
Aug 13, 2014

Such a Scam

Jeff Adams, Real Estate Investing - BIGGEST SCAM!

NEVER EVER deal with Jeff Adams, Real Estate Investing. Fair warning.
Aug 1, 2014

Good Program

I went to the 3 day event hesitantly, after my wife convinced me we could learn something. We paid the 1500 or 1700 not sure the exact amount. When we got there I learned quite a bit of great Real Estate information. Yes they did sell a few programs at the event and I understand how that can turn some people off, but at the end of the day the event is full of information and these guys know what they are talking about. I have been to other seminars and every time they sell something. That is part of how they make money I think. But, what I have come to understand is that doesn't make it a scam. It is just something people can decide to take advantage of or not.Since attending the event my wife and I have closed 4 deals 3 wholesale properties and 1 Subject 2 deal. The fact is simply this, if you are willing to work and use these simple strategies you can make great money. Jeff Adams can help but you have to be willing to hit the ground and make stuff happen.
Jul 31, 2014

Definitely Worth The Money!

I Would Highly Recommend!!

I signed up for Jeff Adams program and I have been very impressed.

I am a real estate attorney and a novice real estate investor and have relied on my own 'tools' for analysis and marketing in the past, but NEVER AGAIN!

Jeff Adams succeeded in providing me a true “business in a box” by developing systems and tools that get right to the heart of the information that I require to perform an accurate and complete analysis of my potential prospects.

Within 5 days of setting up my website, I had 6 quality leads in my email system that I did not know what to do with because I didn’t know that my real estate investing career would take off so quickly!

Now, after 5 weeks of enrolling in Jeff Adams program, I have received approximately 40 leads.

I was able to purchase a triplex with instant equity from one of the leads I received.

All this was accomplished with my website’s virtual office feature. Jeff Adams automated system has truly removed my biggest investing impediment – lack of time.

I would highly recommend his program to all investors who are looking to get more leads and automate their business.

Teresa M. New York
Jul 31, 2014

Customer Service severely lacking

Very poor customer service; incompetent and do not correct errors even after they are politely shown where, when etc. Erodes much confidence in all aspects of what they promise---so please BE CAREFUL AND REMEMBER TO DOCUMENT ALL GUARANTEES.

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